Central Maui
twin cities of Kahului and Wailuku create the central Maui corridor
connected by Kaahumanu Avenue, a multi lane highway of approximately
one mile.
at the foot of the West Maui Mountains the town of Wailuku does
little to reflect its past as the center of business and shopping in
the Maui of the 20th century. Before there was a Kahului town,
Wailuku boasted two drug stores with soda fountains, two banks, a
post office where everybody got their mail (unless you trusted home
delivery), a five and dime, a dollar store, a couple of jewelry
stores, two dry cleaners, two beauty shops, two clothing stores, two
shoe stores, two bakeries, two hotels, a fish market, a furniture
and appliance store, a grocery store that delivered your groceries
to your home, two full time movie theaters, two car dealerships and
at least two service stations. Happy Valley had its own grocery
store and shops separated from the main part of town by Iron Bridge
over Iao Stream and serving the residents of the Wailuku Sugar camps
and valley above the town.
residents of Wailuku lived along High Street around the library and
Wailuku Elementary School to the foot of and including Sandhills
where the merchants and professional people lived. More of the
residents lived in the area along Vineyard Street and above the town
on the way to Iao Valley. Eventually the plantation developed lots
at Wailuku Heights and sold them to those who did not mind the 5
minute drive from town. It was not until the late 1980’s that
Wailuku Heights II was developed as finished homes that home
ownership in Wailuku Heights became feasible to the average Maui
resident. Development of single family homes in Wailuku was slow as
many of the future homesites were still in active sugar cane
production. It was not until C. Brewer closed its Wailuku Sugar
operation and allowed its fields to go fallow that housing was
developed in this desirable area of central Maui. Now new homes and
townhomes are offered in Wailuku where the soil is rich from
previous agricultural use and although the night comes early to
Wailuku in the shadow of the West Maui mountains, the breezes are
gentle and sweet with the fragrance of trees and foliage naturally
occurring in the area.
plantation stores serving the residents of the camps that surrounded
the HC&S Sugar Mill in Puunene, the town of Kahului had a company
general store, fish monger and movie theater among the notable
establishments of the early 20th century on Maui. It was the
development by A&B of Dream City, a planned development of 4,000
homes that spurred the development of Kahului as the center of
shopping and commerce on Maui. Although Dream City took 25 years to
build out, homes that started at $6,000 were a dream to those who
had returned from the war with a desire to relocate out of the
company built plantation camps that they left. Others who were not
associated with the plantation but part of the growing white collar
government work force also found a home in Dream City. Kahului
Shopping Center offering Maui its first super market was established
in 1951 to create a Kahului community. Two decades later, Kaahumanu
Center was developed by Maui Land and Pineapple Company bringing
Kahului up to date with national chains seeking a place in paradise.
It was in the early 1970’s that Maui really began to change and many
successful businesspersons who consider themselves kama’aina arrived
on Maui from the mainland during that period.
goodness change is slow on Maui. That is what gives it its charm. In
1996 Maui Lani commenced development, the first real offering of up
to date homes within a planned community to Maui residents. Today,
the community of thousands of homes has changed the Kahului
landscape allowing Mauians of moderate means and expensive tastes
the opportunity to have amenities previously enjoyed by purchasers
of resort homes.

Carol Ball
Inc. dba
Carol Ball and
RB 11347
Maui Mall
70 E Kaahumanu Ave Ste A6
Kahului, HI 96732-2176
(808) 871-8807 • fax (808) 871-2462 •

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