Northshore Maui
Extending from Kanaha Beach Park adjacent to the Kahului airport,
past Paia and Haiku to Huelo, Northshore Maui conjurs up visions of
rain and wind…in a good way. Hookipa Beach, the world class
windsurfing beach, has put Northshore Maui on the map. Paia is the
most well-known probably because it is the easiest to reach. On the
ocean side of Paia is Baldwin Beach that has taking a pounding over
the years and has lost a lot of its beach. A funky little visitor’s
town, Paia was formerly a plantation town servicing the plantation
camps housing workers that dotted the area around the Paia sugar
mill. Vestiges of the camp homes remain as eager young wayfarers
seek them out for bargain shelter.
J ust past Hookipa, the Pauwela lighthouse stands watch marking the
spot in the lower part of Haiku where locals know the weather is
more moderate, with sun filled days and nights of gentle rains.
There is almost a cult-like feeling to living in the Haiku area
where the residents are thoroughly in touch with their environment
and spend a lot of time familiarizing themselves with each
backwoods’ road and trail and utter directions like “you go up
Ulumalu Road in Peahi, turn right onto a road that doesn’t look like
one and travel on it until you can’t go any more”.
T ravel up the flank of Haleakala, past the village of Haiku you find
yourself among gentlemen estates on streets with names like Hogback
Road, Kokomo Road, West Kuiaha, Kaupakalua and finally to some of
the wettest spots on Maui at Maui Ranch Estates and Awalau Road. But
to the people who live there, it is God’s country. Stop at Fukushima
Store in Haiku town for a to-die-for hotdog. George stocks some of
the finest wines you could ever want for your dinner table.
S elect the lower route, the Hana Highway, and you pass through
windswept areas of Pili grass and old pineapple farms. One of the
first developments on the makai (ocean) side of the Hana Highway was
named Aina O Ka Hale Pili. For the longest time we had a poster
hanging in our office of the land predevelopment which elicited a
million questions of where it was and could they buy it today.
Huelo used to be a haven for hippies but is heaven to those who wish
to live off the grid. An area we used to call “Toolshed Heights”
because many of the dwellings were built illegally by calling them a
tool shed, afforded some of the most spectacular ocean views that you
could ever imagine, unfettered by any utility lines. Ever hear of
Jaws? That notorious surf spot is there on the Northshore. Discover
the North shore. You will want to live there.

Carol Ball
Inc. dba
Carol Ball and
RB 11347
Maui Mall
70 E Kaahumanu Ave Ste A6
Kahului, HI 96732-2176
(808) 871-8807 • fax (808) 871-2462 •

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